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Why Would Anyone Want to Blowup Times Square? By Dr. Daniel Pipes - Militant Islam Monitor - Militant Islam Monitor1
Obama Inc. Met With Suicide Bombing Supporter Qaradawi's Deputy At White House With National Security Council - Militant Islam Monitor -1
The Organization Of Islamic Cooperation's Stealthy "Civilization Jihad" - Militant Islam Monitor - Militant Islam Monitor1
Bush: Terror war is in early stages - we must take peemptive action to defend our liberty and our lives - Militant Islam Monitor - Militant1
Keith Ellison: The Wahhabist choice for Congress -endorsed by Zogby and the American Arab Leadership Council /AAI - Militant Islam Monitor1
Head of Al Qaeda in Turkey arrested - CD bomb found - American and European 'students' arrested in Cairo terror plot - Militant Islam1
Department of Justice press release: Five Radical Islamists Convicted of Conspiring to Kill Soldiers at Fort Dix - Militant Islam Monitor -1
CAIR's Support of Terrorist Sami Al- Arian Proves Organisation's Jihadist Sympathies - Militant Islam Monitor - Militant Islam1
U.S. Government : Al Qaeda remains greatest terrorist threat - Militant Islam Monitor - Militant Islam Monitor1
Muslim Classes For German Schools - "We are Germany" - Militant Islam Monitor - Militant Islam Monitor1

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